West Des Moines United Methodist
WDM United Methodist
Early Learning Preschool

For the 2024-2025 school year
Registration Is As Easy As 1 – 2 – 3
Step 1: Contact us via phone at 515-279-8897 or email at aborness@wdmumc.org or tyoung@wdmumc.org to ensure your child’s spot. Once you have confirmation that your child has been placed in a class, you may continue with step 2 and step 3.
Step 2: Come in to the school to receive the Registrations forms, download the Registration forms, or ask to have the Registration forms mailed to you
Step 3: Prek students mail or bring in the Program fee and Enrollment form.
3 year old students mail or bring in the Registration deposit
Prek Registration Forms (SVPP)
The Registration deposit is nonrefundable and due upon receiving your forms.