West Des Moines United Methodist
WDM United Methodist
Early Learning Preschool

Frequently Asked Questions
My child will be in the young 2 year old class. When must he/she be 2?
All young 2 year old students must be 18 months old by September 1st of the year in which they are enrolled.
My child will be in the 2 year old class. When must he/she be 2?
All 2 year students must be 2 years old by September 15th of the year in which they are enrolled.
What are the young 2 year old class times?
Monday/Wednesday or Tuesday/Thursday 9:00-11:30am
What are the 2 year old class times?
Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday or Thursday/Friday 9:00-11:30am
What are the student to teacher ratios?
Young 2 year old classes: Student to teacher ratio 6:1
2 year old classes: Student to teacher ratio 7:1​
What supplies are needed for my child's young 2 year old class?
Young 2 Year Old Supplies for the Year
2 Elmers School Glue
1 Crayola Crayons – 24 colors
2 Container Diaper Wipes
1 Pkg. 100-300 Napkins
1 Large Box Kleenex
*Please bring the above items to your child’s Sneak-A-Peek or on your child’s first day of school.
What supplies are needed for my child's 2 year old class?
2 Year Old Supplies for the Year
1 Ream White Copy Paper
1 Crayola Washable Markers – 8 colors
1 Doubled Sided Tape
1 Box Latex Free Gloves
2 Container Diaper Wipes
1 Clorox Wipes
*Please bring the above items to your child’s Sneak-A-Peek or on your child’s first day of school.
What is the policy for a sick child?
Sick Child Policy—The fall and winter months bring us to the reality of facing illnesses in our daily schedule. And children are no exception! You are faced with decisions about the signs of illness and infection you may notice in your child. Listed below are some criteria for excluding an ill or infected child from our school:
- A temperature of 100° or more in the past 24 hours—your child must be fever free for at least 24 hours without the use of fever reducers before they may return to school
- Vomiting in the past 24 hours
- Diarrhea in the past 24 hours
- Bacterial infection (strep throat, pink eye, etc.) that has not been treated with an antibiotic for 24 hours, and in the case of pink eye if either eye has drainage
- A cough with congestion and excessive discharge
- Communicable disease such as chicken pox, impetigo, etc.--a child with chicken pox must remain out of school one week after onset or when all lesions are crusted
- Any ailment that would override your child’s learning